Artichoke powder treats stomach disorders, poor liver function, and a variety of other ailments. Its main use has been as Coleretic, a substance that strengthens liver function by increasing bile production, it has also been reputed for several years as a diuretic (to increase urination). And it reduces potassium and therefore helps prevent heart disease.
Main function of Artichoke leaf powder:
– Increases bile production in the liver, increases the flow of bile from the gallbladder and
increases the contraction power of the bile duct. These bile actions are beneficial in many
Respiratory, gallbladder and liver disorders.
– It is used to mobilize fat deposits in the liver and detoxify it, and as a natural aid to reduce the level of glucose.
– Increase human bifidobacteria and adjust gastrointestinal function;
– Improved immune function;
– Reduce blood sugar and glucose level;
– Improves fat and slimming diaphragm.
Ingredients: Pure artichoke leaf powder. This product does not contain fillers of any kind.
How to use:
This plant is best prepared as an infusion (tea) – use one teaspoon of powder for every cup of water. Pour boiling water over the artichoke powder in a mug and let it steep for 10 minutes. Strain the tea (or let the settled powder remain at the bottom of the cup) and drink warm. It is traditionally taken in 1 cup doses, 2-3 times a day.
Warning: The information listed identified here is by no means an ordinance or a prescription, the use of these natural products does not replace a medical consultation.
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